Women's Suffrage eBook Teacher
Women’s Suffrage Movement
By Janet Giel-Romo, Ed.D.
There was a time when men could vote, but not women. It was not fair. Women worked hard to get the right to vote. This was called the Women’s Suffrage Movement.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a famous leader of the suffrage movement. She gave speeches. She said that women should be able to vote. She said, “We want to vote!”
Susan B. Anthony was another famous leader of the suffrage movement. She also gave speeches. She said, “We want to vote!”.
A lot of women were angry. They wanted to vote. Women demonstrated in front of the White House with signs.
The Women organized a parade in Washington D.C. The women held signs and flags. They wanted everyone to help women get the right to vote.
Many women marched for 13 days into Washington D.C. They said, “We want to vote!”.
The U.S. needed a new amendment so women could vote. Women had meetings to talk about getting a new amendment.
President Wilson knew the women were angry. They wanted to vote. The 19 th Amendment would allow women to vote.
9 Finally, on August 26, 1920, the 19 th Amendment was passed. It gave women the right to vote!
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