Oregon Trail Worksheets Portrait


Oregon Trail

Printable Worksheet Booklet (Print Portrait)

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Name ________________________________

Directions: 1. Fill in the blank with the word a 2. Rewrite the sentence .

1. I see ___ pioneer .


2. I see ___ river .


3. I see ___ trail .


4. I see ___ mountain .


5. I see ___ rattlesnake .


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Map Activity

Name ________________________ ________

Fact: The pioneers left Missouri. They followed the Oregon Trail to go to Oregon.

Directions: 1.

Color Missouri yellow.

2. 3.

Color Oregon red.

Draw a black line from Missouri to Oregon .


Cut out the wagon and glue it on your line.

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Wagon Train

Name ______________________________ ____

Fact: The pioneers traveled in wagons. The pioneers traveled together. Their group was called a wagon train.


1. Would you like to ride in a covered wagon? _______

2. Color the trail brown.

3. Cut out the wagons and glue them on the trail.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ______________________________

Directions: Use the words below to write about the pioneers.

pioneers move


Oregon Trail wagon train stopped


Oregon followed group called rest

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Cloze Reading

Name _______________________________________________

Directions: 1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

1. Pioneers wanted to move to _______________.

2. The pioneers followed the ____________________.

3. Their group was called a _______________ train.

4. Each night they stopped to eat and _______________.



Oregon Trail


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

EZ Summary

Name ______________________________ ____


1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

This is a _________________.

Pioneers followed the _______________.

Their group was called a

_______________ train.



Oregon Trail

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Rocky Mountains

Name ______________________________ ____ Fact: The Oregon Trail went through the Rocky Mountains.


1. How do you think the pioneers felt riding through the Rocky Mountains? __________________________

2. Color the Rocky Mountains.

3. Cut out the wagons and glue them onto the Rocky Mountains.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ________________________

Directions: 1.

Circle each covered wagon.


Put an “X” on each picture that is not.

Supplemental Activity: 1.

Cut out each covered wagon.

2. Glue pictures of each covered wagon on a sheet of paper.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ______________________________

Directions: Use the words below to write about the Oregon Trail.

Oregon Trail through wagons rivers hurt

Rocky Mountains went

crossed people drowned

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Cloze Reading

Name _______________________________________________

Directions: 1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

1. The Oregon Trail went through the ______________.

2. Sometimes _________________ fell off the side of the mountain.

3. Pioneers had to get their wagons across______________.

4. Some people got __________________ or drowned.



Rocky Mountains


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

EZ Summary

Name ______________________________ ____


1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

The Oregon Trail went through the Rocky


Some _________________ fell off the mountains.

Wagons had to get across





Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ________________________

Directions: 1. Cut out the pictures at the bottom of the page. 2. Glue pictures to match the pattern.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Short Answer

Name ____________________________________

Directions: 1. Fill in the blanks with the word in bold. 2. Rewrite the sentence.

This is a pioneer.

This is a ____________________________.


This is a wagon.

This is a ____________________________.


This is a trail.

This is a ____________________________.


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ______________________________

Directions: Use the words below to write about the dangers of the Oregon Trail

pioneers drank them rattlesnakes poisonous died

river water made bacteria sick Oregon Trail bit

Cloze Reading

Name _______________________________________________

Directions: 1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

1. Pioneers drank the river _______________.

2. Sometimes the water had _______________ in it.

3. The bacteria made some pioneers _______________.

4. There were _______________ on the Oregon Trail.

5. Some _______________ were bit by rattlesnakes.






Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

EZ Summary

Name ______________________________ ____


1. Cut out each box below. 2. Paste each box into the correct space.

Pioneers drank river ________________.

_________________ bit pioneers.

Some _______________ got sick.




Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ________________________

Directions: 1.

Circle each picture of a rattlesnake. Put an “X” on each picture that is not.


Supplemental Activity: 1.

Cut out each rattlesnake.

2. Glue pictures of each rattlesnake on a sheet of paper.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ________________________________

Directions: Answer Yes or No to the following questions.

Did the pioneers want to move to Oregon? ____

Did the pioneers travel in wagons? ________

Were there bridges on the Oregon Trail?_____

Did the pioneers drink river water? _______

Were the Native Americans happy to see the pioneers? ________

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Name ____________________________ ___ Directions: Use the word bank to fill in the blanks.

trail – dirt road camp – where the pioneers slept for the night supplies – things that are needed poisonous – can kill or make a person sick

1. Where the pioneers slept for the night was called a _________________.

2. Things that are needed are called ______________________.

3. A dirt road is a _______________________ .

4. Something that can kill or make a person sick is _____________________.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Multiple Choice

Name _______________________________________________

Directions: Circle the correct answer. Use the book if you need to find an answer. The page number is next to the question.

1) Who wanted to move to Oregon? (page 1) A: pioneers B: Native Americans C: animals

2) What dirt road did the pioneers take? (page 2) A: Dog Trail B: Oregon Trail C: Arizona Trail

3) How did the pioneers travel on the Oregon Trail? (page 3) A: cars B: wagons C: airplanes

4) What mountains did the Oregon Trail go through? (page 5) A: White B: Appalachian C: Rocky

5) Who was nervous when they saw the pioneers? (page 9) A: Native Americans B: farmers C: rattlesnakes

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com


Book Exam

Name _______________________________________

Directions: After the first question is answered, use your main idea cards to answer the additional questions.

What do you know about the Oregon Trail? _______________________






Who wanted to move to Oregon a long time ago? ______________________.

What was the name of the dirt road to get to Oregon?


What was the group of wagons traveling together called?


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

What mountains did the Oregon Trail go through?


What did pioneers have to cross?


What made some pioneers sick with cholera? __________________.

Who lived out west before the pioneers? __________________________

How long did it take to get to Oregon? _______________________

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Fill in the Blank

Name ___________________________________

Directions: Use the words in the Word Bank to fill in the blank .


Oregon Trail



rattlesnakes Rocky Mountains

1. The pioneers followed a dirt road called the _______________________. (Page 2)

2. The Oregon Trail went through the _____________________________. (Page 5)

3. Pioneers had to get their wagons across ______________________. (Page 6)

4. There were ________________________ along the Oregon Trail. (Page 8)

5. The Oregon Trail took 5 ____________________. (Page 11)

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Q and A

Name ____________________________ ___ _______________

Directions: Answer the WH question and fill in the blank.

Pioneers wanted to move to Oregon. Where did the pioneers want to move to? __________________________ The pioneers wanted to move to _________________________________.

__________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ The pioneers left Missouri in 1841. When did the pioneers leave Missouri? __________ The pioneers left Missouri in _____________.

The pioneers traveled on the Oregon Trail. Who traveled on the Oregon Trail? _______________________________ ______________________ traveled on the Oregon Trail.

The wagons crossed rivers. What did the wagons cross?_________________________ The wagons crossed _________________________.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Reading Assessment


Directions: Draw a line from the word to the matching picture.





Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Sentence Scramble

Name __________________________ ______________________

Directions: Unscramble the words to make a sentence. The word(s) in bold is the first word(s) in the sentence.

The pioneers the Oregon Trail followed



The Oregon Trail through went Rocky Mountains the



Rattlesnakes on were Oregon Trail the



Pioneers towns built western


______________________________________________ _ Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Vocabulary Assessment

Name _______________________

Directions: Draw a line from the definition to the matching word.

can kill or make a person sick


things that are needed


dirt road



where the pioneers slept for the night

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

WH Questions


Directions: Answer the question and fill in the blanks.

The answer to a What question gives more information.

Pioneers traveled on the Oregon Trail.

What did the pioneers travel on? __________________________.

Pioneers traveled on the _______________________.

Pioneers traveled in wagons. _________________________________________________________ _

What did the pioneers travel in? __________________.

______________________________________ Pioneers traveled in ______________________.

Pioneers drank river water.

What did pioneers drink? _________________________.

Pioneers drank _____________________.

Pioneers built western towns.

What did the pioneers build? __________________________.

Pioneers built __________________________.

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

Vocabulary Flashcards

1. Cut out flashcards 2. Play games matching words with the definition.

can kill or make a person sick


things that are needed


where the pioneers slept for the night


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinandlilysolutions.com


dirt road

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinandlilysolutions.com

Main Idea Cards

Each card represents the main idea for a page in the book. Use these to study content topics with the book. Match each word with a page in book. To engage, play games with the cards. Discuss the word as it relates to the info. on each page.

Oregon Trail


wagon train


Rocky Mountains


Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com



Native Americans

western towns

5 months

Copyright 2015 • All Rights Reserved • Austin and Lily Solutions • www.austinlily.com

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